

The Eucharist is the heart of the Catholic Faith. It was instituted by Christ at the Last Supper, and makes present again the sacrifice of the cross in an unbloody manner. It intensifies our union with Christ who is truly and substantially present in the Holy Eucharist. Catholics are urged to celebrate and receive the Eucharist frequently.

In the diocese of Altoona-Johnstown the class reception of the Holy Eucharist or First Communion is celebrated in the second grade. A student must attend the first grade Religious Education program as well as the second grade program or Catholic School classes and special sessions for the reception of this Sacrament with the second grade class.

Requirements for parents include:

  • –  attendance of the First Communion retreat and practice to enrich and strengthenthe family’s understanding of this Sacrament
  • –  participation in the celebration of this Sacrament.NOTE:- Older children beyond 2nd grade, are prepared for the Holy Eucharist outside the regular classes and may receive the sacrament individually after consultation with the child, the parent/guardian, the Director of Religious Education and the Pastor.

    – Adults and young people beyond the 11th grade who wish to receive the Holy Eucharist are asked to call the Religious Education Office to arrange for participation in the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion – Any person wishing to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion at any Mass, and especially at 11 AM Mass at St. Agnes, please call Deacon Chip at 748-9651. This is a wonderful way to experience God’s presence in your life and it shows caring for your church community. Please think seriously of helping to serve God’s people in this manner. God Bless You. A training session will be set up at your convenience.

Communion Calls – Communion calls are made by the clergy and lay ministers of the parish to those parishioners who are home-bound or residing in hospitals or nursing homes. Please contact the Parish Office to make arrangements. Because of the regulations concerning patient privacy, the parishioner, a family member or hospital needs to inform the Parish Office and request this service.