Anointing of the Sick

healing-the-man-born-blind-fragment-1311The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is a continuation of the Lord’s compassion for the sick. Christ so identified with the sufferings of the sick that he made their sufferings his own.

The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

– heals and saves the baptized person from sin,
– unites the suffering of the sick person to the sufferings of Christ,
– strengthens the sick person with courage and peace to endure whatever sufferings are

caused by disease or old age,
– forgives all sins for which the sick person has true sorrow but was unable to confess, – sometimes restores health, if it is appropriate for the salvation of the sick person,
– prepares the sick person for the transition to eternal life.


– The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is celebrated in a communal manner once a year and is available after all weekend masses and at other times by appointment with the Pastor.

– Parishioners anticipating hospitalization are encouraged to receive this sacrament before they go to the hospital. Otherwise, parishioners should contact the Parish Office.

– When hospitalized, because of the regulations concerning patient privacy, the parishioner is asked to contact the Parish Office and request this Sacrament. Also their family member or hospital staff can make the request on their behalf.